Tuesday, January 18, 2011

hot mike

check. check.

one. two.

got a hot mike here. . .

welcome to my maiden voyage of blogging. i'm 100% clueless about this but there are clearly stupider people out there who are doing it.

here's the deal; while this blog is for me, daily musings about life here at 3028, my intent is to print this off into book form at the end of every year and give them to my children. i am not so good with the baby book thing and i always want to keep a journal, but never do. so i thought this would be a nice option (if i can figure it out!) for them to have a rear view mirror into their lives. not to mention, i am hoping that when the day comes and i am not-so-cool they will look back on this and think, "wow, mom wasn't so bad after all." "or mom shouldn't have stayed up so late." or "this totally verifies why we should put her in a home, just look at our childhood!"

nonetheless, its just a little glimpse of our life. i thought "roth's child" was appropriate, since life, these days is all about them. currently, there are two children, jack and vivian, with a third "surprise guest" coming in august this year.

jack is very much three and very much a little boy. some how i gave birth to a gear head, who request i read him fiction stories about how a monster truck is built. we spend the day racing cars, building trains and terrorizing our younger sister. he's the apple of my eye and quite charming. he says "yes, ma'am" and "no, sir" and minds his manners. (most of the time)

vivian is a whopping 15 months old and is much like the tazmanian devil.
she. is. crazy.
i spend most of my day either looking for her, cleaning up her messes or pulling her off of the stairs, top of the coffee table or the toilet. she's a real pistol. i think she will make a perfect middle child because nothing about her is quiet- she will always be seen AND heard. she is the funniest little thing and she makes me laugh all day long. its a good thing, because otherwise, i might lock her in a cage. . .

and number three, is our HUGE surprise. having done fertility treatments to obtain thing one and thing two, imagine our shock the week of christmas to learn i was pregnant! apparently you buy two, get one free. now that the shock has worn off, and the panic has set in, i am retreating into happiness. its going to be a chaotic but fun ride.

so here i am! blogging on! because, to quote the brilliant ferris bueller,

"life moves pretty fast. if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. "

until the next time i remember to do this. . .


  1. LOVE! New favorite website. Bookmarked!

  2. Carra, what an amazingly creative gift to give to your kids. Very cool and inspiring!

  3. Three's a crowd, so I am hoping for twins! Nice even number! Good parents are hard to find, so I am glad God blessed you with at least three or more!
    Keep writing, Carra. It's my entertainment daily, since I don't watch TV anymore!

  4. Kiddo - I love your blog... you give me a renewed hope in love and that having kids will be the hardest and best thing I ever do (once I get out of my selfish "ME" phase). Keep 'em coming, I love reading them during my morning cup of coffee at work! Hugs...
