Tuesday, January 25, 2011

super grandma to the rescue

tomorrow is the day!

the day that grandma comes to save us!

thank GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's been a rough few weeks with the nausea and over abundance of snow and my children have grown restless and bored. not to mention the shape their mother is in. tomorrow my mommy is coming to save me. she is coming to spend the next two weeks with us and it couldn't happen a moment sooner. if she were here this very evening, i would be so thrilled. 

here's the beautiful thing about my mother- despite being slightly crazy, as all mothers are- she is super easy. my mom is very go with the flow. she will arrive tomorrow with a slew of food and baked goods, fun new trinkets for the kids, and a new attitude of hope will come with her. its going to be like a breath of fresh air walking into this house. i have an obgyn appointment in kansas city tomorrow and i am most certain by the time i get back, she will have straightened my house, done some laundry, played with my children and maybe even gotten some emailing done. i will come home and feel at ease, because my mom is here and everything is going to be alright. 

mom remembers what it was like to be in trenches with little kids. although my brother and i are nearly five years apart and i was slightly more independent than jack is at this age, we have a mirrored situation with the traveling husband. randy's trips are sporadic and never too terribly lengthy, but when i was small and tim was just a baby, my dad left on sunday nights to drive five hours away for work, and didn't return until friday evening. can you even imagine? how lonely? no internet? no free long distance? no facebook? ugh. 

i don't recall my mother ever "losing" it or not seeming like she had control of the situation. its funny how life is like that and you can adapt to a situation. however, i know it was a lonely, difficult time for her and i think, she remembers that too. neither of my grandmother's was particularly helpful, so perhaps that is why she goes out of her way to help me when she can. 

jack has been asking all week if this is the day grandma is coming? vivian and i have been putting grandmas room back together and she's been looking for her "mamaw." i secretly have been counting down the days and hours myself, just waiting until she gets here. its been so cold, dark and dismal lately i am anxious for my mom to bring some sunshine into this house. 

i am so excited i just might cry with relief when she gets here. tomorrow is the day my world gets much brighter. 

"ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
ooh-oo child, things'll get brighter
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
ooh-oo child, things'll be brighter

some day, yeah
we'll put it together and we'll get it all done
some day
when your head is much lighter
some day, yeah
we'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun
some day
when the world is much brighter."

the five stairsteps


  1. Question...I don't have kids but is it ok that I feel the same way every time my mom comes to visit?!? Thank god for moms and grams....

    :) Hope you feel better soon. Keep you posted on this weekend.

  2. On the eve of my mother's 87th birthday, I still wish I could have her come spend that precious time with me. There is just nothing quite like having that support when you need it. That one person who knows you better than anyone.
    I just read an essay my grand daughter wrote about me and I wish I could be half the person she said I was. All that time spent with grand children when it is pure work, turns out to be the most rewarding, sweetest thing than ever happens to you. They make you special. They make you want to do things you never thought you would.

  3. I know, right? I feel the same way. Exactly. And look how pretty your mom is. So pretty. Have fun!
