last night was actually rothy's turn but i went ahead and did him a solid. it was late and kinda last minute but this is what i came up with:
he went elf tagging this morning when he got home. i thought it was kind of funny until i saw vivian staring at the pictures. i did the ones in the hallway too:
now i am afraid vivian might think its a good idea to write on our pictures. i spent the rest of the day taking back my "work" telling them how naughty he was and that if he pulled another stunt like that he would be banished back to the north pole! oops. my bad!
roth's on deck, i am anticipating manly things tonight.
p.s. how cute were daddy and aunt jackie?
Would have been funnier if you used a Sharpie. In my mom-haze, I would have, by accident! Jen