Tuesday, December 6, 2011

day 8

*clap, clap*

this is me, applauding your daddy! not only did he remember last night but he really out did himself.

i was taking my evening soak and i could hear him downstairs tinkering away. i came back down post-bath and he was beaming from ear to ear.

this is what i found:

you had wanted a mudslinger truck since you were two and uncle blake bought it for you for your birthday this year. you do play with it all of the time but it tends to burn through the batteries at a rapid rate. Roxy was kind enough to get under the hood last night and tune things up, give you a fresh set of batteries. 

randy was really pleased with his efforts, his attention to detail. he used a snowflake cookie cutter as the tire jack to hold the 'slinger up. pretty ingenious, rothy. he even had an illuminated headlamp on! this should not have surprised me because your dad has had a land cruiser longer than he has had me. its sitting down at hillyard in dire need of repair. he refuses to part with it, but hasn't had the time to devout to it the last, oh, eight years. i don't suspect it will get much better any time soon and when he finally does get back around to it, its probably going to be an antique. in the mean time, he will continue to play with your monster trucks i suppose. 

this one might be tough to beat! since Roxy is a boy with a girl's name, i think your dad is trying to butch him up a bit. i may have to counter attack that with some glitter or the new skirt ashley patterson dropped by for him. i am pretty amazed that during the last 8 days, the two of you really have left Roxy alone in true fear that if we touch him, he will lose his magic. if only this theory worked with other household items like my phone and keys! that would be awesome. 

other local news, eleanor slept until 12:15 last night. i got up put her binkie back in, rubbed her head and told her it was time to go back to sleep. she cried for about 35 minutes, which was more of an annoying baby whine. she really is the patient third child- she never reached hysterics last night, just more of a "hey. hey guys. hey. i am over here. and i am awake. anyone? anything?" your dad went downstairs to polish off a bag of cheetos he's been working on and watch tv. i just laid there and listened to her. the funniest part was when you decided to stop crying it just kinda quit. "ahhhhh?" it was like a question kinda cry, like, this is really it. this is your last chance to pick me up. then it just stopped. i think you just decided screw it, they aren't listening anyways. you're so funny, baby eleanor. after that short bout she slept all the way until 6:30 this morning. i woke up feeling optimistic, happy and more clear than i have been in weeks! a few more nights of this and we might be on our way. 

it should also be noted, that this evening upon our return from dinner, baby eleanor rolled over from tummy to back! she did it four times, so i think she has got it figured out. damn it. game change, again. this means i can no longer leave you on the bed alone! we have got a mover, folks!

before we went to dinner, jack started talking about santa claus and wanted to know why he had two mustaches. i wasn't quite sure which santa claus he was talking about, so he pointed it out to me. oooooohhhhh. you mean a mustache and a beard! right, guess we have never gone over that one. his cool factor went down a little bit since we are all into mustaches around here. too bad, santa needs all the approachability points he can get around here. 

i am off to clean up daddy's mess and make my own with Roxy. 

until tomorrow. . .

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